Qsil Ceramics Germany

Ved Group is the Exclusive Authorized Agent/Distributor/Partner/Representative in India for Qsil Ceramics Germany.
FCT Ingenieurkeramik (a Qsil Company) represents more than 30 years experience in ceramic engineering and production of high-performance ceramics and composites.
FCT produces ceramic parts based on customer's design particularly with non-oxide ceramics or composites. Following material qualities are available: dense, gas pressure-sintered or hot-pressed Silicon Nitride materials as well as sintered, fiberreinforced and reaction-bonded Silicon Carbide grades (SSiC, C/C-SiC, NSiC).
For specific requirements of our customers we also develop custom-made materials. We understand ourselves likewise as a competent consultant for material selection and component design as well as for connection techniques by shrinking, clamping, gluing or soldering.
Additionally we offer services in sintering, hot pressing and HIPing as well as in ceramic process engineering.
Business Units
Click on the Business Unit headlines below for more information on the detailed Application Fields in that industry.
Mechanical and Apparatus Engineering